De Google Chrome OS netbook CR-48 is gehackt.  Zowel Ubuntu, Mac OS X als Windows 7 werken als een zonnetje. Hieronder vind je de instructie hoe  je W7 & Ubuntu kunt installeren.

Instructies over hoe je het MAc OS kun installeren volgen. Zoals je kunt zien werkt het in onderstaande video.  Hoewel de Chrome OS zelf is vergrendeld, heeft Google aangemoedigd om gebruikers het Intel Atom-gebaseerde toestel zelf te hacken. Een schakelaar onder de batterij stopt het Chrome OS te booten. Dit zodat de gebruiker kan stoeien met de BIOS om er een alternatief OS op te installeren.

Momenteel is de CR-48 blijft in gebruik door Google-medewerkers en familieleden, alsmede enkele leden van de pers en aangemelde gebruikers in het Google Pilot programma. Plannen voor een commerciële lancering van Chrome OS netbooks zijn vertraagd door het ontbreken van een aantal kritische functies van de Chrome OS (Cloud Print en USB-devices).

Planning voor de de lancering van cr-48 is medio 2011.


How to flash the CR-48 with Stock BIOS:
First, for the sake of this guide, I'm not going to go over developer mode or how to install Linux on the CR-48. If you can't do that with the guides already online, you can't do this.

Although this really goes without saying, THIS CAN BRICK YOUR SYSTEM AND WILL VOID YOUR WARRANTY. In order to do this, we need to open up the system.

Also, we need to thank Brent, for without him we would not have these BIOS files in the first place. And Hexxeh for mentioning needing to remove the bottom cover of the laptop, which was causing me issues when I first tried this.

1. Turn on developer mode
2. Install Ubuntu
3. In Ubuntu, download the stock BIOS
4. Install flashrom

For this, I compiled it from SVN and did not test the version in the Ubuntu repositories. You can try it if you like, but if you want to compile it, type this into the terminal.

sudo apt-get install pciutils-dev build-essential subversion
svn co svn:// flashrom
cd flashrom
sudo make install

5. Next, backup the original bios by typing in

sudo flashrom -r backup.bin

and save it elsewhere, such as a USB drive. This way we can reflash to the original BIOS files later if we wish.

6. Turn off the CR-48

This step is a pain in the rear end (For good reason, seeing as they don't want you to do it, but I digress). In order to actually allow the bios to be erased and rewritten, you have to remove the bottom panel from the laptop. Not just the battery, but the entire bottom panel. You can use this teardown as a reference guide.
EDIT: To note the reason why you need to remove the panel:


Because if you leave the bottom panel on, it won't allow you to flash the bios (As in, you will get "ERROR: CAN'T ERASE" in flashrom and it will freak out). Once you remove bottom panel, the security feature turns off and you can flash it.

Once you remove the bottom panel, you can either attempt to connect the battery underneath and hold it in place, or just plug it in without using the battery. In either case, be very careful.

7. Turn on the CR-48, go back into the terminal.
Extract the downloaded Cr48 bios, and flash it by typing in

sudo flashrom -w cr48.bin

It should erase the original bios and flash the new, stock version.

Restart the computer, and you should now see the Intel logo on the lower corner of the screen, hit the volume up button (Which is F10) to load the Boot loader.