Welcome to the source on the net for Xbox 360 Hacks. We are dedicated to bringing you the latest news surrounding the Xbox 360 Hacking community. Get all your Xbox360 Hacks, cracks, mods, homebrew apps, and utilities right here. Check out our Hacks section for tutorials and instructions on hacking your Xbox 360. Also make sure to check out our great Xbox 360 forums. Come on in and give us a shout.

Various Win32/Linux applications: tools which read/write the Xbox360 HDD. Xplorer360, wxHdd, wxTheme, etc...

Firmware Hacks
Firmware hacks for different Xbox 360 DVD-ROM drives

Xbox360 Drivers for the PC ExploitsDiscovered and known Xbox360 exploits.

Howtos, tutorials, general guidelines and information.

Technical files with information on the XB360, and its hardware.

Source Code
The code behind many tools to successfully hack your Xbox360!